Our Story...

We believe that everyone is capable of achieving their dreams if given the chance.

For some children, the path is easier due to a supportive environment with guidance and opportunities for growth and exploration. For others, the path is harder due to the circumstances they are in.

"Everyone should be given a chance to be exposed to those opportunities to achieve their dreams."

“What’s the point in studying? I don’t care about school.” is what one student told us in when he was in 5th grade. We were disheartened because, in our eyes, he had such great potential that he was failing to reach due to the lack of importance placed on education in his family. It was difficult to build his intrinsic motivation and for him to want to challenge himself. Through our mentorship program, we were able to help motivate him and give him confidence that he can achieve whatever he sets his mind to. Now, he is determined to succeed in high school and seeks to push himself by taking AP classes and challenging summer courses, and we could not be more proud.

Little by little, we taught him how to write more clearly for his English book talks, study more efficiently for his history tests, and how to manage time better, which boosted his grades and motivation to succeed, which in turn helped him to get A's in middle school and wants to be a doctor one day. Seeing the impact mentoring can have on students combined with my passion for healthcare motivated us to create the Students in Medicine Mentorship Program which provides the exposure, mentorship, and guidance in healthcare fields and medicine to motivate economically disadvantaged middle school and early high school students to follow their interests in healthcare.

With my mentorship, I was able to him see that....

No matter what life throws at you, you can overcome these challenges by having role models who can guide you to help achieve long-term success at school. Having mentors in our family, such as sisters in medical school and both parents as physicians, we were lucky that we had great mentors in my life, my sisters and my parents who are all in medicine. without whom I may not have achieved a straight-A GPA and get shadowing and summer internships.

However, we was sad to see that many students haven’t had these experiences due to COVID-19 or due to lack of access to these mentors. Through my mentoring program, we would like to expose children in early middle to high school to similar opportunities. My ultimate goal is to combat the shortage of healthcare workers and increase the diversity of the healthcare field to offer these opportunities to everyone, not just a select few. We hope that my mentorship program will open the doors to bridge that gap.

Our Team

Amani Alvi

Co Founder & Co-President

Suffia Alvi

Co Founder & Co-President

Saira Alvi


Bella Rodda

Director of Media

"Ability is what you are capable of doing.

Motivation determines what you do.

Attitude determines how well you do it"

-Lou Holtz

Legendary Football Coach,
University of Norte Dame

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!